You can be a chamber maid, a chamber pot or even a personal super-duper pooper scooper with one of our degrading Divas!!!

After all what else is a loser like you good for! You should feel grateful that there are women like us who will let you pay for the privelege of kissing our asses! Let’s be honest you’re probably fat, bald and ugly and Donald Trump you ain’t! You probably have a shrivelled little dickie and even if it isn’t stunted and withered it probably doesn’t last as long as an ice cube in hell! In fact the ice cube would probably leave a bigger wet spot then that gob of goo you call cum.
So we suggest you accept your short”cummings” and work on doing what you were meant to do…lick toilet bowls, suck shit and be a general all around slave boy. Don’t try to be something you’re not…like a real man. Accept your place in the feet of a beautiful woman, with your face buried between her lips and cheeks! Don’t try to be the one who “wear the pants” in the relationship…it will only cover your frilly panties. And when one of our horny housewives tells you to go fuck yourself, grab a nice fat dildo and do just that….and don’t forget to thank her for the pleasure!!!
So stop wasting time. None of us has all day to wait for you to call for instructions. There are real men out there we need to fuck! So get off your fat, lazy ass and dial a Diva at We promise you’ll be as happy as a pig in shit that you did!!!
Are you pathetic little no dicks having trouble deciding what to dress up as for Halloween. Well, here’s a suggestion…you can go as my toilet…in other words I can go on your face!

There is no doubt some of you would make great outhouses for All Hallows Eve! I’m more then happy to help you with your look. I’ll just squat on your face and do your make-up! Lots of earth tones I would expect! I’d never forget that ghoulish yellow tinge either.

Perhaps you’re not looking for that “performance art” look. You could always use the “hospital patient” look. One being subjected to an enema maybe. Yes, that would be rather special, seeing you in a short hospital gown with a water filled tube stuffed between your cheeks! Why be a patient with just a bandaged head when the waddling walk of the water logged, stretched bowel is so much more entertaining!

I love the thought of you with your pucker stretched… having to walk around while you get poked and stirred all night!!! Then again you can!dress as a sissy complete with dildo… up your ass. In fact, I love the idea of you parading around for Halloween in stockngs, heels and a nice little pair of panties so much I’ll give you the dildo to shove up your pussy hole!!! That’s right! As a special Halloween “”Treat” I’m giving away a free 6 inch vibrator with a 1 hour call (while supplies last) …see below for details. I want to make sure you get to feel what it’s like to turn a “Halloween Trick” like a real slut and get fucked little a little whore.
So to if you need any advice on getting ready for Halloween call Val. We can shop on line, I can help you plan your outfit or we can just dress you up and pimp you out.!!!

During the month of October I will give everyone who does a one hor call* a free 6 inch, hot blue vibrator. It is the perfect playtoy for any slut or sissy! It is a sexy, sapphire blue and runs on batteries. It is one of my favorite styles and I want you to experience for yourself the pleasures of a deep buzz inside of you. Don’t worry it comes in very discrete packaging to whatever address you wish.

* Certain restrictions apply.
- While supplies last. I have a limited number and it is first cum first served.
- Hour must be used in one session.
- You must mention this add to recieve your free gift.
- This is a gift and will be sent as regular parcel post. Express shipping or delivery with a tracking method is available at the clients expense when requested.