Here is the winner of last month’s contest!
Congratulations to stubbyhubby who will be enjoying a free 10 minute call with Willy!

We’ve also got an honorable mention by Mama’sFlufferBoy and we’ve decided to give him 5 free minuntes with his next call with one of our ladies!

So lets see what you come up with for our next Comic Contest! Here’s the pic… Good luck. We’ll aanounce the winner at the end of the month!!!

It’s TRUE! You can win a free 10 minute phone call with any girl on our site! All you have to do is come up with a sexy, catchy or riotously funny caption for the comic we provide! Check out this one….
from this…

To this…

Now let’s see what you can come up with for this one!

At the end of the month we will select a winner from among all entries received. Each girl will have one vote for her favorite. In the event of a tie we will pull the winner out of a hat! We will post the winning comic with the new caption right here on the blog! Simply check out the simple rules and send you entry to:
and please put “January Contest” in the subject line.
Please indicate how you would like to be credited on the site if you win. You need not use your real name but we will need some sort of handle to announce!… you know submitted by “FluffyWanker”…or “ButtSlammer”… however you want us to credit you!
You may add the caption yourself using photoshop or other clever method or you can just send your witty words and we will add them for you! So lets see if you guys are as funny as you are horny!!!
The Housewives!
You must be of legal age to enter. If you aren’t old enough to do phonesex in your area you aren’t old enough to enter!
You may use your 10 minute call as part of a longer call. For example if you like to do 30 minute calls you can pay for 20 and use your 10 free minutes that way!
All decisions by the judges (the ladies) are final.
Prize has no cash value and is non transferable and non redeemable except in the form of a free 10 minute call to one of the ladies currently listed on this site.
Call must be redeemed within 60 days of contest closing date.
Contest closes on Jan 31, 2008. Winner will be announced within one week of contest end.
Winner will be notified by email unless another method is requested.
All submissions become the property of and are considered copyright property of this site.